Saturday, September 26, 2009

homeschooling and Dave Letterman's mom

I love all the new technology--emails, texts, and blogs...but I DO miss some old-fashioned things: like non-refereed backyard football games, car trips where the license plate alphabet game was the highlight of many miles and you played TOGETHER, being bored in the summer...and home-canned foods. I only know a COUPLE of women who can vegetables from their garden...and teach this to the next generation. I say this because this week, Luke and his hs'ed friend picked and harvested two gallons of ripe persimmons on our property. I make several desserts from these delicious sweet fruits, but they are practically unknown these days. Persimmon pudding is one of our favorites--and the only other place I have seen it was in an old cookbook of David Letterman's mom called "Indiana Persimmon Dessert". Sometimes we need to reach back into the past..and grab some GOODNESS!

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